Web Design Development Process


Web Design Development Services

Eye-catching web design, helping brands engage with their clients, begin the dialogue and boost conversions – this is the core of our web design service that we offer to our customers, which helps to augment the newly-developed software solutions

UX/UI Research & Analysis
It involves an idea discussion, structuring and research of competitor sites, i.e. at this stage we need to answer why you need the resource, what is your target audience and what are your short-term and long-term goals. Within this phase we measure the quality of interaction of a user with the interface: a website, an application or a design. A/B testing helps us to heat mapping and analyze user experience (UX).
Wire frames & Prototypes
Development of a sketch or prototype. The prototype is created to schematically show you where and what will be located, how it will work. The prototype is a blueprint for your future product. High-fidelity prototypes are built to demonstrate your future product’s functionality somewhere between a flat image and a full website.
The development of the site’s prototype can’t replace the design. Here we work on the transformation of a prototype into a layout, content filling, pictures with texts, choice of fonts and colors in order to form a full-fledged interface.
Development & Support
As soon as we are OK with the design, we turn to the development process by taking advantage of our experienced programmers. Here we are to combine the offered by us outstanding design and comprehensive technologies, turning it into efficient fully functional product. At the project completion stage when the testing phase is over, feel free to contact us and extend our cooperation with an SLA agreement to provide you with our support service.
Responsive Web Design Services
The advantage of Responsive web design is that it makes your website look flawless on all the devices. Whether your customers use PCs or mobile devices, they want to find a product, service or certain type of information easily and quickly. That’s why responsive and browser device compatibility is a must-have characteristic.